The View Within the Oyster Festival

A Photo Gallery of the 44th Oyster Festival

The Oyster Festival is a temporary entertainment event usually held at Veterans Park in Norwalk, CT. This festival is hosted by Norwalk Seaport Association, an organization whose mission is to revitalize South Norwalk and preserve Norwalk’s maritime heritage. The organization hosts many events yearly but the Oyster Festival seems to be the most common. 

 The festival was sponsored by many companies, radio stations and more. One of the biggest sponsors was First County Bank, they are always the first booth you see when you enter and they usually give away free bags with their logo on it. 

From entertainment like concerts, delicious and fun things to eat like a fudge drizzled waffle box or a refreshing drink like ice cold lemonade, booths that sell fun things like wire & bead critters, and the rides that drag just about every child and teen in like Zero Gravity or Cliff Hanger, there is never a dull moment at the Oyster Festival each year.