Welcome Back?

Hey Norwalk High, here are a couple updates on how we have been adjusting to coming back to school post lockdown. It is safe to say that we have been having some struggles falling back into the routine.

School is not like it used to be and we are not sure if it will ever return to or get close to how it was. Twelve random students were asked how they felt regarding returning to school, teachers spirit and traveling.

Students were interviewed on how they felt coming back to full in person learning had answers all over the map. Jackson Luther (‘22)  said “I’m happy to have everybody back in the building.” It was expected that upperclassmen would have some nerves having to get re-familiar with the building, staff and rules, but also excitement getting to enjoy senior year back in the building. As for the lower classes they are happy to be getting a normal high school experience. Hunter Jacobson (‘23) said “I was hybrid last year and a lot of us were alone” 

They were also asked about teachers’ attitude returning back to school and it was agreed that most teachers have had a great spirit about coming back. They have been very understanding about how the pandemic is new to not only themselves but all the students. Taking it slow the first month is helping students to comfortably get back into doing work in school. Giancarlo Sposato (‘22) said “Go school! I missed it!” 

Finally one of our biggest roadblocks for this school year is the traffic. Most of Norwalk High’s 2022 senior class is out on the road. The end of last year and all of this summer students were getting their permits and licenses, and while this is an exciting time and important milestone in every person’s life, it is causing a lot of traffic. Many students, if not most, have their own cars and drive themselves to and from school every day. 

Overall we hope most students are happy about returning to in person learning. Being able to have more social interactions, getting out the house, and hopefully getting one step closer to pushing Covid-19 out the door.