Meet The 2 Young Stars On NHS Soccer Team!!
Getting to know what it was to be a bear in the NHS Soccer Team as a young player!!!
Have you guys met the young stars on varsity? Well you are going to meet 2 players playing on varsity that have been on the team at a young start. We first interviewed, Freddy Bonilla a sophomore player playing on varsity. We asked him some questions and he gave us a response and advices to players trying out for varsity next year. Freddy has been playing with varsity this fall season in his sophomore year. I asked him how does it feel to play against older guys and he told us “Its amazing, Its hard but you have to put the work in there” Freddy started playing for freshmen on 2020 fall season and he was top scorer and had many great goals. After the season ended, he trained very hard and practiced on his shots, dribbles, and passing. During the summer when the tryouts were around the corner, he was prepared and ready to show the talent that he has. Later that week, the training payed off and he made the varsity team on his sophomore year which is very impressive. He described his feelings that he feels happy and proud to be apart of this team and working with his teammates because we are a family, he said.
Then we interviewed Mathew Martinez, currently on his junior year playing on the boys varsity team. We reflected on his past and talked about his experience on the varsity team. He told us he’s been playing on varsity since his freshmen year and ever since he’s been on the varsity team this whole time. Mathew is an excellent player and has so much experience on varsity. He said its not easy as it seems from watching but once your on that field, you have to think fast and make a right decision. For any players thinking of trying out for varsity next year, Mathew gave us his response for you guys “Just give it your best at all times and just try your best and to be confidence about yourself” There’s many players playing soccer all around the world and most of them feel nervous before a big match especially young players on a varsity team. Well if your one of those players, Mathew advice to you guys is to be really focus and have confidence that your going to do good on that field. Mathew is a starter player on the team and he is #8. Next year season it would be his last final season playing for the Norwalk High Varsity team.
Lastly, we got a bit of footage of the FCIAC FINALS game. We arrived to Norwalk High and went on front of the lockers where you find the JV and the FRESHMEN rosters waiting for the boys to come out to congratulate them. Not only were the rosters there but coaches from different various of team, rooting for the boys and former Norwalk High players from 2012 and from 2020 applauding once they came out. As the boys started warming up, there was such a big crowd, filling all up the bleachers and wearing green which was very spectacular. After all the hard work and how hard they trained on practice, it finally payed off, Norwalk Varsity Boys are now FCIAC Champions of 2021. Congratulations to these boys and the coaches for their hard effort.

Cris Ortega is a 17 year old, BCSN creator in his Junior year. His favorite sport is soccer. He's also In the NHS Soccer team.
Adrian Tacuri is a 15th year old Sophomore at Norwalk high, He enjoy all type of sports even if he isn't good at them. He mainly plays Soccer and is a...