If The Club Fits
A look into Norwalk Highs’ annual club fair
What are you doing on September 22nd? Your answer should include going to the club fair. Norwalk Highs’ annual club fair is Thursday, September 22nd and you should attend. Although the club fair is for freshmen and sophomores, it’s never too late to get involved.
Other than looking good on college applications, “clubs are a great way to meet new people and give back to the community”, says Joey Cruz (‘23) and a member of National Honors Society.
Getting good grades and having a high GPA isn’t what it’s all about. Although not technically a club, National Honors Society, run by Ms. Todeschini is a great organization to get involved in. This organization also gives back to the community by doing community service acts. Joey Cruz (‘23) says his favorite aspects of National Honors Society are giving back, making new friends, and creating connections.
The National Honors Society isn’t the only club that creates connections. AP Ambassadors run by Dr. Sullivan is another great way to meet new people who take similar classes to you. AP Ambassadors aims to get more students from diverse backgrounds involved in AP and honors courses.
AP Ambassadors is a great opportunity to branch out and consider taking higher level classes. This club also pairs you with a student mentor who will help you with any questions you may have whether it’s academically or socially.
Research shows that students who are more involved in their school’s extracurricular activities are more likely to have higher test scores and higher grades. Studies also show that clubs and organizations are an amazing way to meet new people that elevate your thinking.
Dean of Students, Mr. Anastasia, oversees clubs and activities and is also the advisor for the Bears Beating Cancer Club says that joining clubs is a great way to make closer connections with staff members and build relationships with others. It’s also great to get involved because they’re are many fun events that go along with these clubs. “If the only thing you’re doing at school is school, you’re doing it wrong,” says Mr. Anastasia.
So remember, during advisory on the 22nd of September, add going to the club fair on your to-do list. If you’re unable to attend you can see Mr. Anastasia to find out how you can get involved.

Ariya Peoples is a sophomore at Norwalk High School. She also likes writing and playing volleyball. In addition to being a Paw Print Reporter, Ariya is...