Raising the Curtain on Course Selection
A look at the theatre courses available for the 2023-2024 school year
Course selection is right around the corner. Soon students will meet with their counselors and pick their classes for the next school year. To graduate every student needs 26 credits, one of those required credits is Fine Arts. So why not fill that requirement with a Theatre class?
The Theatre classes available next year include; Theatre Studies 1, Dramatic Writing, Acting 1, Play Production, and Technical Theatre and production.
Though most require at least one previous credit, Theatre Studies 1 is available to everyone. This class is a mix of all the previous classes listed above. A variety of different parts of Theatre so you can experience a bit of it all and find something you like. The grading for this class and all the other classes is based on participation and projects. Since art is subjective, grades are determined on an individual basis, how much you’ve improved, and how well you followed the rubric. Most of the time there is barely any homework because the majority of grading is on what you did in class.
The new classes that are being introduced are Technical Theatre and Production, and Play Production. Technical Theatre and Production is a hands-on experience, you’d be doing things like helping build and paint sets. While also supporting school productions like the fall and spring plays. In Play Production, you’ll take all the knowledge from at least two past theatre courses you’ve already taken and prepare and perform plays.
Mr. McAfee, the theatre teacher who amazingly teaches all these five different classes, hopes to give students through these classes not only an understanding of the course but also help push them to become independent. From helping you improve on skills like public speaking or working in a group, as stated by Mr. McAfee, “Everyone can benefit from Theatre.”
Therefore, when selecting classes for the upcoming year consider choosing a theatre class.
Sophia Miller is a sophomore at Norwalk High School. In her free time, she likes journaling, and watching movies & tv shows.