Small But Mighty
Small Stature Big Passion
Ever wonder how it is to play with bigger players than you?
Well according to Mateo Tapia a JV soccer player it’s an exciting experience. He adds that once you start warming up and you start to see these tall players, especially when the position your playing is forward, you have to dribble and pass through those guys. It makes me push my self as a player. For any players of small stature he says to “use the height of the other players as an advantage. You have to be quick on your feet and make sure you make decisions quickly.” Mateo is the smallest player on the team only standing at 5’2. He definitely had a disadvantage, but try’s his best to accommodate those disadvantages by playing his hardest.
There are a lot of players that inspire Mateo’s play style, but his idol/favorite player is Lionel Messi. Messi has a stature of 5’6 and is also considered short for the league because the average height in major league soccer is 5’9. He faces the disadvantages of a small player, but despite all that he is one of the best soccer players in the world.
Mike is a 15 year old sophomore in Norwalk Highschool. He likes to draw and be creative with the things he does. He is a website manager for Bears Country...

Mateo Tapia is a 16 year old junior at Norwalk High School. He plays for the oBoys Varsity soccer team and has been apart of the team for 3 years. This...