The boys swim will starts their 24-25 season with two captains from Norwalk high and one from Brien McMahon. Captains Nico Mora and Isaac Zapata are Norwalk High School students, and Tony Garcia is a student from Brien McMahon. They explain how it feels to be a captain for the NorMac Boy Swim.
We also spoke to Mr. Zajdel about how he as an assistant coach helps impact the team. Mr. Zajdel talks about how they need to improve on being a conturing factor for the team, like cheering on the side lines, scoring point and more. He explains how they want everyone to put in the most effort and really work hard to be a good contributor to the team. He states that they had so much success in the past years that there main focus to keep the success and trying their best at practice, even if it involves stopping for breaks or even if someones hurt trying their best to be a big supporter for the team.
The boys explain what they are going to do this season to help their teammates when they need it the most and also be a leader for the team. The boys plan to make the team like a family and also bring more spirit.
The team plans to spend more time together and express their goals more. They believe that the big purpose is that everyone on the team knows that they are value to the team.