Women’s wrestling has been the fastest-growing high school sport in the country. “If you came to me in 1999 and told me a girl was wrestling, I’d be like what, no way” Kyle Seaburg, the Norwalk High Varsity Field Hockey coach says. “In 1990, there were 112 girls who participated in high school wrestling” (National Wrestling Hall of Fame). “Participation on girls teams has continued its historic rise as well with 64,257 girls participants last year – an increase of 102 percent from the 31,654 in 2021-22” (USA Wrestling). In regards to college, there are currently 146 women’s college wrestling programs. In the future, 96 college teams across NCAA Divisions I, II, and III plan to have women’s wrestling programs for the 2024–2025 season, with 23 of those programs competing for the first time. In conclusion, women’s wrestling is on the rise and the Norwalk High Team goes to prove it!
“There were two girls on the wrestling team, including myself when I was a freshman,” Captain Rylee Donohue mentions. Now, in her senior year, there are eight girls in the program. “Having grown up wrestling with a bunch of boys, seeing more and more girls give wrestling a try has been a super cool experience,” says Rylee Donohue.
“I was first introduced to the sport at the age of seven but started my sophomore year, and having been able to see the number of girl wrestlers increase throughout the years has been crazy,” senior wrestler Lina says. “Girls, don’t be scared to try wrestling because it’s always been a masculine sport. If you want to do it, go for it and you’ll have so much fun!” Lina.
Even talking with the first-year wrestlers after their first few weeks of the season, following the teams’ pre-season work the girls all mentioned how although it is difficult, they enjoy the sport and being welcomed instantly into the sport at Norwalk High. They continue with how the atmosphere has been welcoming, and even though they chose the sport as just a challenge, they are truly learning to love the sport and its rewarding aspects.
Check out this video on some of your female wrestlers here at Norwalk High to learn why they chose wrestling and the barriers they’re breaking.