The boys Golf Season ended on Oct.14th with a loss to Warde but a well fought match in all. Senior captain Frank Bergin, led the team a competitive season despite a losing record. The team got along very well creating many memories together and going on the course and having fun. Konstantinos Panagiotidis said his favorite match of the year was against Westhill because “I shot my lowest score and made some friends along the way as well.”
2025 graduate Matt Rinaldi says his senior season went really good. He said even though it did not go as planned, he had the most fun time playing this season. Matt says that towards the end of the season they really started to lock in and try to win there last tournament. Rinaldi tells us that towards the end of the season he really started to get upset because he knew the sport he had been playing for 3 years is finally coming to an end, and he’s not ready to be done with it.
Although most of the team are 2025 senior graduates, there are a ton of bright spots left. 2026 graduate, Austin Minoff and 2028 graduate Colin Cain played many games on the boys varsity team. I didn’t get a chance to speak with Colin but I did sit down with a dear friend Austin Minoff and ask him questions about his season where I asked him about his favorite club he had used all season, “My 7 iron, pitching wedge, and putter were all really reliable to me on the course.” I followed up asking him to describe his season in one word where he said “entertaining” he laughed and then told me about all the broken clubs, good laughs, and overall just fun to be apart of.
We talked to 2025 graduate Chase Deplama and asked him about his season and how he feels about it coming to an end. Chase has only played one season of Golf but says this fall season has been one of the funniest sports season in his life, Chase says that walking in to it he didn’t know what it would be like but says they made him feel welcome and instantly made him feel involved and good about him self. Chase says the team itself was a good team and had a lot of potential, he mentioned that the golf team worked really hard to get better at their shots. As the season wrapped up he said it was the funniest, but also saddest because they were working really hard and competing to be hot for the tournament. The tournament was really fun but also sad because the season was ending and the sport Chase had tried out for the first ever time and had lots of fun doing, is coming to an end.
Last but not least we talked To Coach Gigs. Coach Gigs says the season was not the way they wanted it to be not that it was not a failure. Gigs says this was a fun and great season. Coach gigs says there season wrapping up was very important and was also sad because he really liked his senior group.