From the backyard to the home playing field, Mason and Gavin Riina have been playing football for many years. Because of the age gap, they grew up playing on different teams, but now, they finally can play together.
Flashback to the beginning of the summer when the two brothers started to prepare for the upcoming season. “We probably spent around 8-10 hours a week at Nathan Hale over the summer conditioning, throwing, and running routes,” Mason shared. “Although this is our first season playing together, it is also our last because Mason’s a senior. We wanted to make the most of the season so that’s really what motivated us all summer long,” Gavin adds.
Coming into the season, all of their off-season hard work quickly showed. Mason was able to find his brother in the end zone during their first game against New Milford and throw for a 19-yard touchdown. “That touchdown was a first for both of us, Gavin had completed his first touchdown, and that was my first one of the season,” Mason says and continues with how he assumed he threw an interception since he was taken down, but his brother had found the ball instead. As the season goes on, Mason continues to find his brother Gavin on the field, throwing for completions and looking for touchdowns. Ultimately their dynamic is not only helping them but the Bears as well.
The season continues, and the brothers are excited for what is to come, more completions and memories for them to share. Mason, being a senior is hoping to continue to play in college as a Quarterback. Coming into this season was a big switch for Gavin as he was switching positions from Quarterback to Reciever, this switch is helping create a positive dynamic and stronger bond on the field for the brothers. Over the summer Mason helped prepare Gavin for his debut as Reciever on Varsity and the hard work put in has been paying off for these two. With each game passing, the brothers’ bond builds and the dynamics between their positions do the same. Mason and Gavin’s performance on the field, so far this season has made a great impact for the team and their brotherhood.