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The source for all NHS news, sports, opinion, and entertainment. For the students by the students.


The source for all NHS news, sports, opinion, and entertainment. For the students by the students.


Into The Jumps

Getting to know the jumping side of track and field

Track and field is not only running, there are several events that showcase athletes ability to jump.

One of the events is the high jump, where athletes use a curved approach to leap over a horizontal bar. In this even most athletes used the fosbury flop technique where you approach from almost straight ahead, then twist on takeoff and go over headfirst with the your back to the bar. Another jumping event is the long jump where athletes sprint down a runway and jump as far as they can into a sandpit. In this event you have to jump from a board and if your foot goes over the board it is a foul and your jump does not count. How far you jump is measured from the board to wherever you landed in the sand. Triple jump is similar to long jump but athletes get 3 jumps which is a hop step and then final jump into the sand which covers more distance. Lastly there is pole vault where athletes use a flexible pole to propel themselves over a horizontal bar like the high jump. These events require a combination of speed, power, and technique.

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About the Contributor
Emmanuel Then Rojas
Emmanuel Then Rojas, BCSN Content Creator
Emmanuel is a sophmore and is on the basketball and track team