The Better Competitor
Get a closer look at what competition means to these two long going freinds.
Everyone shows competitiveness in their own ways, but these two, take it to another level. After a friendship of four years, Lynette Martinez, coach of the Norwalk High girl’s lacrosse team and Michael Lepoutre, coach of the Norwalk High boy’s soccer team go head to head in a Jenga match. Not just any Jenga match, an intense match with a side of questions on what it takes to be a competitor. This shows an inside look on what competitiveness means to them and how it made them who they are today. Get ready to watch who wins the first part of this long going series: Jenga edition.

Pace (Left) is a senior at Norwalk High. He is on his third year of varsity soccer. He wants to have a career in sports management or sports photography....

Dom is a Senior at Norwalk High School, he plays baseball. He is also our Web Manager for the BCSN Team and is looking forward to our Spring sports season.